Laber Freeride

Slackline Freeride session in the mountains
What do you think slackliners do when there is snow on the ground? They don´t simply go skiing but they combine skiing with slacklining, in this at mount "Laber" in germany:
This idea was born when we were bored. We were highly motivated to realize our idea. As soon as possible we drove to mount “Laber“ which is well known for it´s steep slopes. In addition we got 1.5 metres fresh powder over night – best conditions for our project.
First of all we had to find a suitable spot to build our ski jump.
From Oberammergau we climbed 500 metres up the Laber in snowshoes and skis. When we had reached the spot it stopped snowing. After we had rigged the line we built the ramp. It took us several hours and we left it to harden/solidify over night. When we were there again on the next day in the next afternoon people said: “Anatoly, you have to try if it is safe and will give you enough height to jump over the line!“ So Anatoly jumped while Alex was walking the line naked. (Remember we were bored). Everything worked well, the ramp was stable and gave Anatoly more than enough height for his jump.
This evening we had the idea to rig a midline in addition to the lower slackline.
The next day we jumped in boots and all with Ben on the slackline below, Alex on the midline (both naked) and Clemens, Mario and Anatoly in the air between. Hannes caught these unique moments with his new Cam and the other guys with the Contour action cameras.
Next year with an even higher ramp and more, and longer and higher slacklines!